Usage of ircbot

This is a bot written for #dgplug summer training. This also means it follows the way, we organize the sessions on #dgplug channel on freenode.


This file contains the configuration of the tool. An example is given below:

nick = "ircbot42"
realname = "ircbot42"
fullname = "ircbot42"
channel = "#libera"
password = ""
trainers = ["nick1", "nick2"]

trainers are nicks who have power over the bot. They can execute various actions, as explained below.

Add a trainer

add: newnick

Execute the above command in your channel.

Remove a trainer

rm: nick_to_remove

Removes a given nick, from the master list.

Start a session


Give the above command in the IRC channel itself. Remember, that this does not work in PM.

End a class


This ends the class. This also has to be provided in the channel itself. After ending the session the bot will try to upload the log.

You can also end in a different way, which doesn’t try to upload the log.

#endclass nolog

Raise a hand to ask a question


Typing only a ! puts you on the question queue.

Ask the next person to ask their question


Stop taking questions

#questions off

Start taking questions again

#questions on

Can students ask questions now?


This gets reset to true, everytime we start a new session.